It’s not just flat-faced dogs that are susceptible to the heat. ANY pet can overheat and end up suffering from heatstroke. Heatstroke (also known as heat exhaustion or heat stress), can occur very rapidly and if not treated can be fatal.

Signs your pet might be overheating

  • Excessive panting
  • Dehydration
  • Heavy / Noisy Panting
  • Drooling
  • Red gums
  • Rapid or irregular heart beats
  • Body Temperature above 41 degrees
  • Muscle tremors
  • Lack of coordination
  • Seizures
  • Collapse

If you think your pet might be overheating, bring your pet to us immediately (or seek emergency veterinary care). It’s best to place your pet in front of the air-conditioner or a fan while you are in the car. You can also place wet towels on hairless parts of the body such as the groins or pads of the paws.

Our top tips for preventing heatstroke

– Never leave your pet in the car – the internal temperature of a car can become like an oven in minutes (even on a mild day)

– Avoid exercising your pet in the heat of the day and skip altogether on extremely hot days

– If your pet has a thick coat, think about clipping it to help them stay cool

– Always provide plenty of fresh drinking water in multiple bowls, and change the regularly

– Make sure your pet has access to shade or even better airflow from a fan (and/or air-conditioning – this is particularly important for brachycephalic or flat-faced breeds)

– A wet towel on the ground creates a cool area

– a shallow wading pool is a great idea

– frozen blocks with treats inside, or ice blocks in their water bowl.

If you think your pet might be struggling in the heat you should seek veterinary advice or treatment immediately.