by Prevon Pereira | May 2, 2018 | Pet Advice
Dry eye (also known as “keratoconjunctivitis sicca”) is a condition which is caused by a lack of tears. or poor tear function. Tears are vital for the health of the eye as they not only lubricate, but nourish the cornea. Without tears the cornea dries out,...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 2, 2018 | Pet Advice
Jackson the cat came in for a check up. He had been drinking copious amounts of water over the past month andĀ even though he usually had an excellent appetite, he was looking ‘a bit skinny.’ Examination revealed that Jackson was dehydrated and had lost...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 2, 2018 | Pet Advice
An endocrine disease is caused by an upset in the normal balance or regulation of hormones. These ‘unhappy hormones’ lead to a range of diseases that can greatly affect your pet’s quality of life. When too much hormone is produced, the disease is...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 2, 2018 | Pet Advice
It’s not only blood tests that give us an insight into the health of your pet. Testing your pet’s urine is another essential part of good veterinary medicine. Did you know that a small amount of urine can give us information about your pet’s internal...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 2, 2018 | Pet Advice
Blood tests can give us a wealth of information about the health of your pet. They provide an insight into the health of many organs, help detect disease and can also confirm if your pet is safe to undergo anaesthesia. From a blood test, we can work out if your pet is...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 2, 2018 | Pet Advice
Linda is one of our patients who has been receiving treatment for Cushing’s Disease. This is a disease where her adrenal glands start to overproduce the hormone Cortisol. Whilst this alone can be a challenge to manage, Linda’s owner Dana recently noted...