Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome

Brachycephalic airway syndrome (also called brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, brachycephalic respiratory syndrome or just brachycephalic syndrome) is a disease caused by a collection of several upper airway abnormalities that are common to dogs bred to have...

Happy and Healthy Ears

Summer is a great time to take your dog swimming but did you know that an innocent dip can lead to an ear infection for your dog? We like to think of your dog’s ear as its own ‘mini-environment’. This environment can be easily disrupted and swimming...

Spare a Thought for Wildlife

The warmer weather can be really stressful for our wildlife. After a few consecutive days of high temperatures, it is not uncommon for us to see wildlife suffering from heat stress and dehydration. Some animals can also suffer burnt feet from walking on hot tin roofs...

Pocket Pets in Summer

Rabbits and Guinea Pigs can also overheat very easily, and can be quite often forgotten. Keep them in a cool place, preferably indoors Provide lots of fresh drinking water Frozen treats and water bottles around their hutch can be a great way to cool them down Signs of...

Four Hidden Summer Dangers

1. Check under the car Don’t forget to check under your car before you drive off – cats, in particular, like to seek out the shade provided by a car and are often asleep, putting them at risk of being run over. A toot of the horn before you move the car is...

How to Prevent Heatstroke

It’s not just flat-faced dogs that are susceptible to the heat. ANY pet can overheat and end up suffering from heatstroke. Heatstroke (also known as heat exhaustion or heat stress), can occur very rapidly and if not treated can be fatal. Signs your pet might be...