Important Notice: Cessation of HomeSafeID’s Animal Registry Service
We have been alerted by Animal Welfare Victoria (AWV) to advise that HomeSafeID is no longer licensed under the Victorian Domestic Animals Act 1994 to provide an animal registry service (microchip registry) for Victorian pet owners.
All pets who have been microchipped in Victoria will have their details recorded with an approved Victorian Registry. (listed below)
If your pet was Microchipped with us here at Brandon Park Vet their details will be registered with Central Animal Records .
For those pets who may have been microchipped elsewhere please check your pets records to see if they may have been registered with HomesafeID.
For Pets Microchipped interstate, please check your pet’s registry. They too can be transferred to a Victorian registry – see below.
AWV has received existing Victorian records for cats, dogs and horses that were held by HomeSafeID. AWV is in the process of selecting a currently approved animal registry service to receive the Victorian data for cats, dogs and horses. Once this data is received by the selected animal registry service, owners will be contacted by the registry with further information in the coming weeks.
Transferring your pets Microchip Details
If your pet was registered with HomeSafeID, you can easily transfer their details to Central Animal Records by following the link below.
It is also a timely reminder to check that your pet’s details, including your contact details are up-to date with your current pet microchip registry.