Pet Care Advice
Keep your pets safe this Halloween
There's no denying it, Halloween has become more and more popular in Australia over the past few years. Quite a few people love to have haloween parties and get their pets pets involved too. It is really important to think about their health and wellbeing so they...
Marni and Bear’s Preschool Visit
Last month I had the opportunity to visit the local Maria Montesorri Preschool with Marni and Bear our two fur kids (Bear is the black blob in the photo). The visit was to talk to the children about what I do as a Veterinarian and what we need to do to look after our...
Getting to the bottom of anal glands
Have you ever seen your dog dragging his or her bottom along the ground? This peculiar act is known as 'scooting' and can indicate your dog has irritated anal glands. The infamous anal glands are located on either side of your dog's anus. Each gland holds a small...
Keep your pet safe this spring
Spring is here and we want to keep your pet happy and healthy. Here are some spring hazards you should be aware of: Bee and wasp stings can lead to pain and swelling at the site of the sting. Some pets can have an anaphylactic reaction to a sting and this can be life...
Pet skin care tips
When it comes to managing the itchy pet, there is no magic pill. It's all about prevention of parasites and taking action before things get out of control. Here are our top tips for healthy skin: 1. Be vigilant with flea treatment all year round for all pets in your...
Spring is in the air – and so is itchy skin
Itchy skin can cause absolute chaos and really affect your dog's quality of life. One of the most common and frustrating 'itchy skin' conditions we see in dogs is atopic dermatitis. This inflammatory condition is caused by a reaction to allergens in the environment (a...
Flea allergy dermatitis
Last month we introduced you to Rocky the cat, and this month we'd like to let you in on Rocky's little secret ... he's allergic to fleas! Fleas are a number one cause of skin problems in pets. When a flea bites your pet, their saliva leads to an intense reaction....
Atopic / Allergic Dermatitis
Atopy and Allergic Dermatitis – what is it? Allergic dermatitis, also known as Atopic Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin which is often triggered by environmental allergens. An allergen is a substance which may cause an allergic reaction such as pollen and...
Protect your pet against the “flu”
Have you ever wondered if your pet can get the flu? The answer is yes. But unlike the dreaded flu season for humans, dogs and cats can suffer from their version of the flu year-round. The good news is that your pet can't catch the human flu, and vice versa. The dog...
Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions
Meet Rocky the cat. Rocky loves spending his days on the couch, waiting for his humans to arrive home and feed him his dinner. We will be following Rocky's health journey over the next few months and today we'd like to fill you in on his visit to the dentist. Rocky...
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Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 8.30am-3:00pm, Sun/Public Holidays Closed.
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