When it comes to managing the itchy pet, there is no magic pill. It’s all about prevention of parasites and taking action before things get out of control. Here are our top tips for healthy skin:

1. Be vigilant with flea treatment all year round for all pets in your family. Fleas are THE major cause of an itchy pet and regular use of a flea treatment is easier and cheaper than trying to get rid of the itch. Ask us for the best flea treatment available for your pet.

2. A premium diet balanced is essential to keep your pet’s skin and coat in top shape, as this can act as a good barrier against potential allergens – ask us for a recommendation.

3. Not all pet washes are good for your pets skin. If your pet has a specific skin type or skin condition then it is important to use a wash that is specifically designed for your pet.

For example pets with atopic dermatitis can benefit from using washes such as Nutriderm Shampoo which contains ceramides. Ceramides can help rebuild the epidermal barrier and reduce allergen exposure – ask us for more information.

4. Medication to help reduce the immune system’s response to the allergen can greatly reduce an itch and these can be used during flare-ups and for ongoing management – We can certainly help work out a management and treatment plan for your pet if they have any skin issues.

5. And finally, if you notice your pet is itching, licking, biting, or rubbing, you should arrange a check up with us ASAP. The sooner we settle the itch, the less likely your pet is to cause self trauma and secondary skin infections.