Stages of Dental Disease

Stages of Dental Disease

STAGE 1: Dental Plaque Build Mild Tartar and Plaque Build up No gum damage or gingivitis Healthy Teeth Reversible Changes Home Dental Care options will help Will progress to Grade 2 dental disease in time if not managed early. STAGE 2 DENTAL DISEASE Moderate Tartar...
Tooth Damage and Decay

Tooth Damage and Decay

Quite often teeth can become damaged and broken. In the image above the Carnassial tooth in this patient had developed a crack leading to a slab fracture of the outer part of the tooth. The tooth root had become infected, along with the surrounding gum Slab fractures...
Home Dental Care

Home Dental Care

  A healthy mouth is vitally important for your pets comfort and general health and making sure their teeth and gums are healthy starts at home. This can be a simple as inspecting your pets mouth, gums and teeth regularly at home, and arranging a dental check if you...
Nail trims

Nail trims

Nail trims are a common procedure carried out at Vet clinics, at Groomers, or at home. Do the nails really need a trim? There are several reasons for owners wanting their pets nails trimmed, but in some  cases the nails do not need to be trimmed at all. Overgrown...