by Prevon Pereira | Apr 28, 2019 | Pet Advice
We’ve all heard about footballers getting knee injuries – almost every week there’s something in the news about a footballer tearing their ACL. But it’s very common for dogs to get the exact same injury. The cruciate ligaments are two bands of tough tissue that...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 28, 2019 | Pet Advice
Guinea pigs are very popular as pets, particularly in families with children as they’re easy to handle and can be very friendly. However, guinea pigs aren’t as straightforward to manage as a hutch and the occasional pat! They’re intelligent, social and have a few...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 7, 2019 | Pet Advice
It’s nearly that time of year – multiple public holidays, Easter egg hunts, and time to spend with family and friends. Easter is just around the corner, but as always we’d like to remind everyone that there are a few hazards that pop up at this time of the year...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 7, 2019 | Pet Advice
We all know that cats aren’t the biggest fans of visiting the vet, but seeing us can be a pretty scary prospect for some dogs as well. Dogs can sometimes mask signs of anxiety or stress, or can be showing us behaviours that are easy to misinterpret as being happy or...
by Prevon Pereira | Apr 7, 2019 | Pet Advice
Weight loss is always something we like to look out for in our older feline patients – and sometimes it doesn’t make a lot of sense for a particular cat to be losing weight. It’s not uncommon for us to see older cats with good appetites – even ravenous...
by Prevon Pereira | Mar 2, 2019 | Pet Advice
The stress and worry associated with a vet visit for cats can be a big problem when the time for an annual health check rolls around – and if our cats hate going to the vet then it can be daunting for them to stay in hospital if they are sick. It’s sadly common...