Cat Spey – Post Op Home Care Information

Cat Spey – Post Op Home Care Information

SPEY – POST OP CARE INSTRUCTION A Spey procedure involves a full ovariohysterectomy. It is an internal abdominal surgery and therefore needs time to heal. Our surgical experience and up to date anaesthetic protocols do result in a very quick recovery however,...
Dog Spey – Post Op Home Care Information

Dog Spey – Post Op Home Care Information

SPEY – POST OP CARE INSTRUCTION A Spey procedure involves a full ovariohysterectomy. It is an internal abdominal surgery and therefore needs time to heal. Our surgical experience and up to date anaesthetic protocols do result in a very quick recovery however,...
Nail trims

Nail trims

Nail trims are a common procedure carried out at Vet clinics, at Groomers, or at home. Do the nails really need a trim? There are several reasons for owners wanting their pets nails trimmed, but in someĀ  cases the nails do not need to be trimmed at all. Overgrown...
Rabbit Pre-Surgery Information

Rabbit Pre-Surgery Information

Your Bunny has upcoming surgery scheduled, so there are a few things we would like you to know. Bunnies, have special anaesthetic requirements, and we therefore take additional precautions, both before and after surgery, to ensure a smooth and quick recovery. One of...