As the New Year approaches, it’s important to know that colourful, loud fireworks can be pretty scary for cats and dogs to handle. Fireworks can distress pets to the point of causing them to flee or injure themselves and keeping them calm and safe is incredibly important.

  • If you know fireworks are scheduled nearby, bring your pets indoors.
  • Try to arrange for someone to be home with your pets during fireworks.
  • Close all windows and doors and secure your gates.
  • Provide a quiet dark place for your pet to hide in if they want –  a blanket over a table can work in a pinch.
  • Having a room with a television or stereo turned up loud can provide some white noise to block out the fireworks.

Making sure your pet’s microchip details are up to date and having an ID tag on the collar can be useful if an escape does occur.

Some animals suffer from severe anxiety related to fireworks and thunderstorms. Have a chat with your vet – if you are worried about your pet then we might be able to provide some short-term anti-anxiety medication for firework frights. Most medications need to be given well in advance of the fireworks themselves, so make sure you check with your local council and know when fireworks are likely to happen.

Happy New Year everyone – stay safe!