1. Check under the car
Don’t forget to check under your car before you drive off – cats, in particular, like to seek out the shade provided by a car and are often asleep, putting them at risk of being run over. A toot of the horn before you move the car is always a good idea.

2. The hidden danger on our streets
Ever heard the term ‘this pavement is so hot you could fry an egg on it?’ The hidden danger on the street this summer IS the street!

Believe it or not, the pavement can get so hot in summer that it can cause burns and blisters to your dog’s paw pads. We recommend you stick to walking your dog in the cool of the day and take the softer (grass) route to the park. You can try booties to protect the paws but most pets won’t tolerate them.

3. Pools are not always safe
Pets don’t always like the water and many can’t even swim. Never force your pet to get in the water and never leave your pet where they can access a body of water without supervision. Consider using a floatation device such as a life jacket for extra safety.

Don’t let your pet drink the pool water as it can be toxic and always provide copious amounts of fresh drinking water. Wash your pet off after a swim as chlorinated water, in particular, can irritate the skin and eyes.

4. Beach beware
If you take your pet to the beach beware of saltwater toxicity. Dogs are often inclined to ingest a whole heap of saltwater at the beach and this can lead to vomiting and diarrhoea. Keep them supervised and always provide plenty of clean and fresh drinking water.

Also be aware that it’s not just the pavement that can burn your pet’s paw pads – the sand can become extremely hot too.

And finally – the paralysis tick loves to hang out in coastal areas along the east of Australia. Make sure your pet is protected as this tick can be fatal.