It’s not only a change in thirst that can indicate an underlying issue with your pet. Subtle changes in urination habits can be a sign of kidney disease and diabetes but they can also indicate a urinary tract infection or even a behavioural issue.

Changes may include:

– Urinating more often
– Blood in the urine (sometimes only a pink tinge)
– Straining to urinate
– Urinating in unusual places (cats urinating out of their tray or ‘spraying urine’ on vertical surfaces)
– Excessive grooming of genital area
– Leaking or dribbling urine

Don’t ignore these signs as some urinary tract diseases can cause your pet pain and discomfort. Male cats, in particular, can suffer from a severe and potentially life-threatening condition known as a urinary obstruction. Seek veterinary advice immediately if you notice your male cat is having trouble passing urine and read on below to find out more